(urth) Is Agia a robot?

Ryan Dunn ryan at liftingfaces.com
Sat Jun 19 07:28:36 PDT 2010

On Jun 19, 2010, at 10:10 AM, Jeff Wilson wrote:

> Agia's no saint - I'd say that given her record of sacrilege, multiple murder, and treason, she's about as unsaintly as they come, in a league with Baldanders and the woman who made furniture out of children. If the bright aureole represents anything, it's representative of contrast  or inversion esp with Thecla whose hair is "a dark aureole" about p.70 of SHADOW.

And yet, her name's etymology indicates "holy". Wolfe is having fun with this. She has a fallen angel quality. And back to the idea of coming from Quasar with Hethor, she literally did come from the stars and escaped.

Just twisting that dagger a bit.

And the aureole description. I'm just picturing a dark cell and a shaft of sunlight creating this halo effect around the two of them.

Wolfe is telling us something. Think of it in cinematic terms for a minute. It's not like he said her teeth were white as pearls. Or her hair a dark aureole cascading around her shoulders. This one is an actual lighting effect, something Wolfe intentionally included.

Could mean nothing, could have an archangel subtext. Could be a sardonic hint at her falling from the stars as a genicon escaped her master.


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