(urth) Is Agia a Robot?

Jerry Friedman jerry_friedman at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 18 07:25:16 PDT 2010

From: David Stockhoff <dstockhoff at verizon.net>

>I'd read this more as Wolfe musing, "How will I call robots without sounding like ad copy for a Japanese toy?
>Hm, well the inventor of robots called them chemical in nature. This runs against the cliche. Thus, applying
>Brunians' radical principle, I shall call them "chems." "

That sounds reasonable to me.  Also, maybe their power source is electrochemical, namely batteries.  Was there ever anything in the Long Sun books about where they get their power, needing to recharge, etc.?

> Brunians, where is the line telling us that Hethor digs bots?

Brunians is probably on of the last people in the world I should speak for, but Hethor's lost paracoita is some kind of robot (/Shadow/, Ch. XXX).

Jerry Friedman


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