(urth) plantary problems

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Tue Dec 28 10:04:09 PST 2010

> Lee Berman-
> If there is a connection between Urth and Green I can't imagine it being just for fun. There has
> to be a thematic purpose to it. I can't remember where the "are Inhumi on Urth?" discussion went
> but not far enough, imho. Was Quetzal's origin discussed? Urth's populace knows of manatees but
> only a few know what they really are. I think even fewer know the truth about those elusive blood
> bats.

Wolfe said that Quetzal was a recent arrival, and since I believe his 
mother fed on Tussah that sounds reasonable to me. But when that 
question was asked, no one knew about the other inhumi on Green. There 
has been no word from on high about the existence of inhumi on Urth. If 
Wolfe intended to retcon them in, then we should expect to see one or 
two during the Rajan's travels to Urth.


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