(urth) Dionysus

Gerry Quinn gerryq at indigo.ie
Thu Dec 2 10:49:59 PST 2010

From: "James Wynn" <crushtv at gmail.com>
>> Gerry Quinn-

>> I think Silk cut himself in despair, but not fatally.  Why cut your face 
>> if you want to kill your body?  His spirit was dying, but not his body. 
>> (In the end, I guess, his spirit got better, and Horn's died...)
> I know Silk's body had cuts on both his arms as well as his wrists. I 
> didn't remember that it says he cut his face as well. Where does it say 
> that?
> The cuts on his arms and wrists seem fairly serious. And while he is being 
> bandaged he remembers/auditory halucinates that Remora had told him that 
> "ghosts, for the most part, did not realize they had died"[snip] "The, ah, 
> religious know. Generally. Informed, eh? Expected. No ghosts of, um, holy 
> augurs, hey? Or, er, sibyls."

I think you're right about the cuts - I don't know where I got the face 

As for the rest, though, I'm not terribly convinced.  If the Neighbours can 
resurrect bodies, why not just fix Horn?  Why not just accept what we are 

    Through the ring a Neighbor saw him, and she came to him in
     his agony. He told her what was in his heart; and when he had
     finished, she said, "I cannot make you well again, and if I could
     you would still be in this place. I can do this for you, however,
     if you desire it. I can send your spirit into someone else, into
    someone whose own spirit is dying. If you wish, I will find
    someone in the whorl in which you were born. Then there will
    be one whole man there, instead of two dying men, one here
    and another there."

- Gerry Quinn

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