(urth) Dionysus

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Wed Dec 1 09:17:34 PST 2010

> Gerry Quinn-
> I think Silk cut himself in despair, but not fatally.  Why cut your 
> face if you want to kill your body?  His spirit was dying, but not his 
> body.  (In the end, I guess, his spirit got better, and Horn's died...)

I know Silk's body had cuts on both his arms as well as his wrists. I 
didn't remember that it says he cut his face as well. Where does it say 

The cuts on his arms and wrists seem fairly serious. And while he is 
being bandaged he remembers/auditory halucinates that Remora had told 
him that "ghosts, for the most part, did not realize they had 
died"[snip] "The, ah, religious know. Generally. Informed, eh? Expected. 
No ghosts of, um, holy augurs, hey? Or, er, sibyls."

Then Remora walks it back:
"Not--ah--unheard of. But few. Very few."

And then he says:
"We--ah--anticipate it. Some even pray that it my be hastened..."

Then Remora goes on about life after death.

Well, I felt like I knew what he was getting at.

> Gerry Quinn wrote-
> From a distance.  They didn't climb down into the pit.  And neither of 
> them is human, so not perhaps the best judges.

Perhaps, but that would suggest to me that the evidence would have had 
to seem incontrovertible to them-- such as, an obviously broken neck and 
vacant open eyes. Especially, since they were still emphatic about it 
after Horn's return. They didn't say, "Oh, looks like we made a mistake."


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