(urth) Brook Madregot runs between

Gerry Quinn gerryq at indigo.ie
Wed Aug 11 10:55:42 PDT 2010

From: "Jeff Wilson" <jwilson at io.com>
> On 8/11/2010 7:53 AM, Lee Berman wrote:
>> Is there a place in the text which suggests Brook Madregot is not a 
>> single straght line?
> URTH LI: "All about me stretched the Corridors of Time, waving meadows 
> roofed with the lowering sky of Time and whisperous with the brooks that 
> ripple from the most supernal universe of all to the least.
> Bright-winged, the small Tzadkiel fluttered beside one. The green man 
> raced beside another. I chose one that ran as lonely as I, and mounted to 
> it. Behind me along a line that seldom exists, Apu-Punchau, the Head of 
> Day, stepped from his house and squatted to eat the boiled maize and roast 
> meat his people had left for him. I too hungered; I waved to him, then saw 
> him no more.

The Marshes of Time, then.  And are there cannibal Marshmen?

- Gerry Quinn 

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