(urth) Resurrections

Ryan Dunn ryan at liftingfaces.com
Mon Aug 2 08:07:33 PDT 2010

On Aug 1, 2010, at 5:53 PM, David Stockhoff wrote:

> 200 autarchs could rule an average of 5 years each over 1000 years. If 20 of these autarchs ruled an average of 20 years, the remaining 180 would each have to rule for about 3+1/3 years to maintain the average. It's possible. In such a system, the individuality of each autarch, all but the greatest, would be inconsequential and utterly lost. Which is exactly what has happened in imperial dynasties. England's monarch, by contrast, was much more robust even at its weakest.
> If we know only 3 names from the past 1000 years, perhaps that is why. If only these 3 ruled for 50 each and the remainder for still only about 4 years on average, that makes 200 in total. It's then slightly more plausible.
> But is this important?

This might be important if we're trying to figure out what percentage of an Autarch's brain is used vs. not used, and how that compares with a non-alzabo-corpse-devouring human(oid).

However, the idea of a kingdom living on through successors by way of corpse eating is pretty cool, and maybe it was the seed of the idea for Wolfe when he constructed it in his world.


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