(urth) Grand Unified Theory

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Wed Aug 25 07:41:39 PDT 2010

>> James Wynn- Premise 2: Silk is "Fish", who was raised by shepherds.
>> (As opposed to Frog who was raised by wolves).
>> (Incidentally, the names Silk and Fish qualify the two as "brothers" at
>> least as strongly as "Silk" and "Sand" and for the same reasons.)
> Lee - I've been trying to consider James' premises from my own GUT perspective.
> I can't quite get to Premise 2. It isn't clear to me how the names Silk and Fish
> (and Sand) imply fraternity.
> Also the Fish and Frog story is said to take place on Urth (albeit an Urth in
> which wolves are  able to talk and carry swords).
> I can't see how Silk was ever on Urth.

What I am saying is this. We know Silk is a clone-with-improvements. I 
proffer that he is a clone of Fish.

 From Calde of the Long Sun, Chap X:

"Silk did not hear Sand's reply; he was thinking about a great many
things. Among them, names. His own and Sand's were similar--
each had four letters, each contained a single vowel, and each
began with an S. They could not be related, however, because
Sand was a chem and he a bio. Yet they were related by the
similarity of their names. Not inconceivably (he found it a tantalizing
idea). Sand was a cognate, a version of himself in some whorl
of a higher order. Many things the Outsider had shown him seemed
to imply that there were such whorls"

Look, I'm sure there are four-letter names in the Sun Cycle with as many 
similarities to "Silk" as "Fish" that have no possible connection. I 
can't think of one right now, but I'm sure they are there. But, I didn't 
get up one day and say "Hey! Silk and Fish both have four letters!". It 
was an after-thought upon deciding that Kypris was Bird of the Woods and 
Silk was probably her son in some way.

Silk *did* make it to Urth, sort of, in the form of the Rajan.

> Also, Typhon and his cognates,
> Typhon-Set, Pa(s)uzu and Vrita are mythological gods associated with wind,
> though it is a hot, searing desert wind causing drought, rather than
> a "Spring" wind. All have dragon associations also.
> On the other hand, Spring Wind is quiet and obedient and with more interest in growing plants and stuff than conquest. A bit of a mama's boy.  No dragon hints. Doesn't seem much like mythological or BotNS Typhon.

Spring Wind = Typhoon = Typhon
The word "typhoon" comes from "Typhon" -- not that it would prevent 
Wolfe from associating the two anyway if he wanted to.

Sev meets Typhon close up. Consequently, he doesn't come off very well. 
Pepin, Charlemagne, Alexander the Great, Cyrus, and King Arthur were 
probably all not very nice men if you got too close to them (there's a 
story about Arthur that is similar to King Herod's role in the birth of 
Jesus, and the nursery rhyme "When Good King Arthur Ruled This Land" has 
less laudatory versions). But they have all been catasterized as heroes 
by one biographer or another. They became bigger than themselves.
I believe Bill Ries is a "cognate, a version" of Typhon "in some whorl 
of a higher order." The differing portrayals of Typhon and Spring Wind 
should be understood in the way that Cassie saw William Ries and Wallace 


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