(urth) Standard Wolfean Riddle

António Pedro Marques entonio at gmail.com
Sat Aug 14 18:24:07 PDT 2010

James Wynn wrote:

> Presumably, the Briahs (n -/+) remain in sync because they are compelled
> to by their approximation to each other. So there will be similarities
> between Briah (n -/+) that make no internal sense. There might well have
> been a Catholic Church with nearly the same rituals (and an American
> moon landing as well) even though there was no Jesus to influence the
> next 2000 years of history.

I'll just repeat what I said earlier: I think there's a Jesus in any 
universe, and I think it's as good a Jesus no matter where. The Jesuses will 
differ in their accidentals because the universes are different, but there 
will be good enough Jesuses for all. In this view, of ourse, the Conciliator 
is no Jesus, rather a red herring (combined with the stated fact that some 
universes are better than others) to make believe some universes' Jesuses 
are better than other universes' Jesuses. They aren't. The Jesuses are all 
good. It's the universes that may not always live up to their Jesuses.

And each Jesus said something equivalent to 'Thou art Peter, and upon this 
rock I will build by church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against 
it'. But in some universes the original church may have disappeared from 
sight. And any other attempt at building a church won't be endowed with the 
same grace.

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