(urth) Hierogrammates, Briah and Yesod

Jeff Wilson jwilson at io.com
Wed Aug 11 00:25:31 PDT 2010

On 8/10/2010 5:26 PM, Tony Ellis wrote:
> Dan'l wrote:
>> This seems to imply that Briah and Yesod share a common timeline, and
>> that Yesod is either before or simultaneous with Briah (so that one
>> moment in Yesod can be meaningfully prior to another in Briah). Which
>> pretty much kills Yesod as our Universe...
> As I understand it, there's an endless succession of our Briahtic
> universes, and Yesod is the hyper-space - and hyper-time - within
> which that succession takes place.
> Severian's last glimpse of our universe is "a circle no larger than an
> ebon moon in the sky of Yesod." That's Yesod the planet, whose outer
> atmosphere he has already entered.

That's a wormhole that the Yesodis use to come from and go to Briah. The 
one he leaves through appears the same way, only as a bright moon 
against the starry firmament of Briah, with Apheta looking out through it.

Jeff Wilson - jwilson at io.com
IEEE Student Chapter Blog at
< http://ieeetamut.org >

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