(urth) TSH: Ted's identity

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Thu Apr 22 08:02:09 PDT 2010

> I don't know why some people want to connect the item's wetness with the
> river incident. Doris saw Ted in her bedroom days after the river incident;
> there would have been more than enough time for anything gotten wet at the
> river to have dried out. And there is no indication that the apparition of
> Ted in the woods ever even went near the river, anyway.

You mean when Bax met Lupine at the river, right? But there is another
important river incident that occurred close to Ted's Apparition.The
battle royale.  In Letter 42, Doris writes that she has seen Ted. Then
after she has returned to the Black House she writes the PS that she,
Zwart, Orizia, and George (whom I suspect was Bax) forced Nicholas
back into the trunk.

Just before the river battle, Nicholas calls Bax on Doris' cell phone
(Letter 41). So Doris did see only a few hours before the river
battle. Now, if Ted were the body Lupina was remaking it would tie Ted
to The Wet Thing. Of course we would still be left an a quandry (so to
speak) as to what the Thing was.


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