(urth) TSH: Ted's identity

Roy C. Lackey rclackey at stic.net
Wed Apr 21 13:42:00 PDT 2010

John Watkins wrote:
> People (especially married people) also monogram towels.  And towels are
> frequently wet.  Especially if they've just been used to dry someone off,
> after maybe crawling in from the river or after showering off after
> out of a grave.

I thought of towels, also pillow cases and, maybe, sheets. But those items
are as innocent as a handkerchief. As James says, any explanation needs a
good reason why she wouldn't say what it was.

I don't know why some people want to connect the item's wetness with the
river incident. Doris saw Ted in her bedroom days after the river incident;
there would have been more than enough time for anything gotten wet at the
river to have dried out. And there is no indication that the apparition of
Ted in the woods ever even went near the river, anyway.


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