(urth) TSH: Ted's identity

Craig Brewer cnbrewer at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 20 13:49:59 PDT 2010

Roy said:
>The list of characters at the end gives his name as Ted Griffin.

Doh. Totally forgot to check. And you're right about the different descriptions of Skotos, as well (another oversight).

But what about his connection to the werewolves, if there is one? He appears to Bax in the woods the same time he meets Lupine. And it still seems possible that whatever "wet" thing he had with him when he appeared to Doris could have been a wolf skin...although why was it embroidered with his initials? Obviously, its being wet is supposed to help us identify it, but I feel dense for not quite getting it.

And do we think he's actually dead and what Bax/Doris see is his ghost? Or has he just relocated to faerie like Black seems to have done? The list of characters specifically identifies Ambrosius as a "murdered" sorcerer, so if Ted and Ambrosius are the same, we're seeing his ghost?

But even more than that...why is Ambrosius or Ted even in the story, for that matter? I can't quite figure out their significance, other than as an added bit of strangeness.


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