(urth) AEG: Dr. Lao and Woldercan

Roy C. Lackey rclackey at stic.net
Sun Sep 20 22:53:33 PDT 2009

Back on the 14th, Allan Anderson wrote:
> To snip a perhaps apropos phrase from Dr. Lao's Wikipedia summary,"..the
> mythical city of 'Woldercan', populated by doubles of the townfolk..."

This was in the context of the spelling of Woldercan, so perhaps not enough
attention was paid to it. A day or two later, I googled the quote and found
out that the Wikipedia summary in question is of the movie, not the book. So
I researched the book online for a while and concluded that the mentioned
"doubles" were not in the book. I may be wrong about that; I just don't

Anyway, I was disappointed because, if there were some sort of analogs of
people on Woldercan, that would be a simple solution to the problem James
Wynn has raised about what Wolfe could have meant by his remark about
Cassie going to Woldercan to find Reis. I doubted that Wolfe would have
referenced the movie, rather than the book, upon which it is only loosely
based. So I blew it off.

Then I was reminded that Wolfe used references from the Oz movie in FLF, so
I may have been wrong to dismiss the possibility of him using the movie
version of Dr. Lao as a source in AEG. If there are duplictes of humans on
Woldercan, it eliminates the need for hypothetical time travel and other
problematic solutions.

What say you?


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