(urth) AEG: Gideon

Roy C. Lackey rclackey at stic.net
Wed Jan 7 10:35:28 PST 2009

Dave Tallman wrote:
> When Cassie called Chase he said it would be difficult to get to her (p.
> 228). Was he also off-planet? Maybe, since there's something strange
> about the phone service on the Takanga Islands (the time-shift we
> noticed for the call to Sharon). Perhaps calls are routed through
> Woldercan, and that's how Cassie was able to get the call through to him.

If real-time phone service between planets light-years apart were even
possible, the government would know and use it. Clearly it is not. Besides,
what could either Reis or Chase have been doing on Woldercan during the week
or so that Cassie was left to cool her heels in the islands that would have
benefited either man's immediate agenda?


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