(urth) Shadow, Chapter X

Son of Witz sonofwitz at butcherbaker.org
Wed Nov 19 11:05:57 PST 2008

>The easiest analogy I know is the strangely-carved block on the cover of
>Escher Bach. It is carved so that one side of it *IS* a G, one side *IS* an
>E, and one
>side *IS* a B, yet they are all one block.

When I bought that book it was way over my head, and I've yet to delve back into it,  Yet for the last dozen or so years it's been the only book facing OUT on my bookshelf, because of that very cover you mention. What a GENIUS work that is.  I keep it around if only for that.  someday I might dive back in.

and thanks for your trinity explanation. 
It's challenging to wrap that all up with the rational mind, and like the eastern church, I prefer to not eradicate the irrational paradoxical aspects.


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