(urth) The Severian Behind Curtain #3

David Wells adavid_wells at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 19 11:31:34 PDT 2008

>brunians at brunians.org
>Severian drowns in the river Gyoll.
 Everything else that happens in BOTNS and UOTNS are hallucinations that he
>undergoes while dying.

I wonder whether Wolfe's publisher has considered pitching this to him in the interests of a Continuing Franchise:

The Recycling of the Apprentice
Resurrection and Retching

I coughed again and choked. Another wad of dark tangled fibers emerged with the stinking water.
It had all seemed so real, every sight, smell and taste remaining changeless in my mind. It seemed possible that I had experienced an incredibly detailed presentiment of my future.
I could see a reflection in the brown water, someone standing over me and pumping the liquid from my lungs. Despite the indistinct nature of the image I began to feel sure that he was wearing a mask, when suddenly the pressure was released. When I, the torturer’s apprentice Severian, finally arose I could see only the rose bushes that lined this part of the river’s edge, hiding it from general view.
This had not appeared in my visions and I was unsure what it might signify. I considered whether my life might already have diverged from what I had so recently seen and already felt certain it would be my joy and curse never to forget.
I wondered whether the guard would still be present to admit me through the gate of the necropolis.

newt ;-)


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