(urth) Sev's common lineage

Jeff Wilson jwilson at io.com
Wed Jul 2 00:36:09 PDT 2008

b sharp wrote:
> Dave Tallman, to really give my theory about the Rudesind, Dorcas' husband and Fechin
> a chance of plausibility, it must be understood that they are all versions of immortal, 
> shape-shifting Father Inire. 

Er, how do you explain Docas' husband being dead *and* immortal? Or the 
well-connected Inire handicapping his earnest search for Dorcas' body by 
  doing it manually and alone, one body at a time?

> "..Father Inire had the gardeners plant the averns.  I was here and saw it.  Just a little man he
>  is, with a wry neck and bow legs." 

This could be just ironic. The younger husband saw the scrawny Inire, 
then became scrawny with age himself, but still remembers Inire as smaller.

Jeff Wilson - jwilson at io.com
< http://www.io.com/~jwilson >

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