(urth) AEG: a Wolder on Earth

Roy C. Lackey rclackey at stic.net
Tue Dec 23 13:57:12 PST 2008

Peter quoted and wrote:
> Dave Tallman <davetallman at msn.com> says
> > Sharon's knowledge of Reis' ex-wife and Rian suggests to me that they
> > are local to Springfield. Her warning not to "brace them with it" (p.
> > 25) tells me it's someone Cassie also knows. I think Norma is a good
> > candidate for Rian's mother. Rian's mother named him (p. 277), and
> Rian
> > and Norma are both Gaelic names. Norma says she "used to be married
> to
> > the volcano god" but leaves it open whether she means Vince Palma or
> > Bill Reis. I think it's the latter.
> Just one comment: Springfield is the city where the first production of
> "Dating the Volcano God" was held; it's around 100 miles (I'd have to
> check my copy for the exact distance, if it's given) from the unnamed
> city
> where  Cassie and Sharon live, and where Gideon Chase is a Professor.
> Since he teaches at Miskatonic University, this city is very probably
> Arkham, Mass, although I believe there was some comment somewhere
> in the book that implies that it's closer to Providence than the actual
> fictional Arkham, Mass (which Wikipedia informs me is in Essex County,
> Massachusetts).
> Since Lovecraft lived in Providence (in actual life), this all fits
> together.
> Sorry, I don't have my copy here so I can't dig up these references.

Dave meant Kingsport, not Springfield. The name of the city is mentioned
several times in the text, including the "Cast" list at the end.


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