(urth) AEG clones

Dave Tallman davetallman at msn.com
Sat Dec 20 06:05:16 PST 2008

Roy C. Lackey wrote:
> Before the glamour, Cassie was just a thirtyish, second-rate actress and no
> particular beauty. The girl at Baskin-Robbins had no regard for her at all,
> unlike the waitresses and everyone else who saw her after that night.
> Without Gid's glamour, Reis wouldn't have looked twice at her--which is
> exactly why Gid put it on her.
If Reis had come to see Cassie full of love from the beginning I would 
have to agree with you that he only saw her in glamorized form. He 
didn't: he came with murderous intent because he wanted to prove his 
power to Chase.

Cassie's change was of personal magnetism and presence. Her face wasn't 
changed; her friends still recognized her. Chase admitted to himself 
that he loved her before the change and would continue to if she lost it 
(p. 81). Chase also there was a chance Reis would kill Cassie just for 
talking to him. He thought the odds were equal whether she transformed 
or not (pp. 31-32).

I think it's far more likely that Reis saw Cassie in the loden wool 
dress that night by means of Aaberg (whether by his computer monitor or 
some other hidden camera) than that Chase forwarded videos to him of 
Cassie after she was transformed. Chase and Reis were not on good terms 
at that point.

> Btw, Aaberg was made to look like Scott, which means that Gid knew all about
> Cassie's past when he left her that first note. And it suggests that Gid put
> a slight glamour on Aaberg to make him look that way.
I agree that Aaberg was probably enchanted by Chase that night. Not only 
did he look like Scott to Cassie but he seems to have had a power of 
hypnosis -- his suggestion about lipstick putting her to sleep really 
did. The height, weight, and voice clues are interesting, but I don't 
believe that Aaberg is a clone of Reis. It may just show she had loved 
and married Reis' physical type before.

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