(urth) New Wolfe Listing on Amazon
"Fernando Q. Gouvêa"
fqgouvea at colby.edu
Thu Aug 21 18:41:32 PDT 2008
> Matthew Groves wrote:
>> What would your personal Best of Gene Wolfe's Short Fiction anthology
>> contain? I would include all the novellas from The Island of Doctor
>> Death and Other Stories and Other Stories.
Hmmm, an interesting exercise, this. I'd probably favor the shorter
stories so that I could fit more of them in. Let's see:
The Island of Doctor Death and Other Stories
How the Whip Came Back
A Cabin on the Coast
A Solar Labyrinth
The Detective of Dreams
The Hero as Werwolf
How I Lost the Second World War and Helped Turn Back the German Invasion
In Looking-Glass Castle
La Befana
The War Beneath the Tree
No Planets Strike
Our Neighbour by David Copperfield
When I Was Ming the Merciless
The Toy Theater
Naah, it's hopeless. I like too many of them. And that's mostly sticking
to the older stories and avoiding all the novellas...
Fernando Q. Gouvea
Carter Professor of Mathematics
Colby College Editor, MAA FOCUS
5836 Mayflower Hill Editor, MAA Reviews
Waterville, ME 04901 http://mathdl.maa.org/mathDL/19/
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