(urth) The Tomb of the Unknown Severian

Tony Ellis tonyellis69 at btopenworld.com
Thu Nov 29 10:31:34 PST 2007

Mathew wrote:
>> "I know too in whose mausoleum I tarried as a child, that little building
>> of stone with its rose, its fountain and its flying ship all graven. I
>> have disturbed my own tomb, and now I go to lie in it." Citadel XXXVIII

>This bugs me.  Which Dead Kennedy, sorry, Severian would it have been
built for?

One we never meet, I think. At the end of UotNS Severian is free to
revisit Urth whenever he pleases, and if he died there he'd just
self-resurrect. So there could be Severian tombs all over the place.

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