(urth) The Book of Gold

Jonathan Laidlow ultan01 at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Jan 26 11:53:40 PST 2007

One of the long-lost items of Wolfe scholarship is Jeremy Crampton's late 80s fanzine, The Book of Gold.

Jeremy is the author of a fantastic article from the 90s on the Latro books and he recently got in touch to offer us the chance to host a scanned copy of the Book of Gold #02 on Ultan's Library. We eagerly accepted. He scanned #2 because it concerns Latro, again, and seemed relevant with the recent publication of Soldier of Sidon. We're hoping that when he has a moment he'll scan the first issue for us.

The file is a 3.5 MB Adobe Acrobat file (PDF). You can download it from Ultan's Library:


Thanks everyone.

Jonathan Laidlow
editor, www.ultan.org.uk

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