(urth) Pirate Freedom

stilskin acronus at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 28 13:23:47 PDT 2007

--- Nicholas Gevers <vermoulian at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Interesting! There is a case for seeing *Pirate
> Freedom* as SF, actually--Chris's story begins in
> Cuba
> some years from now, the Communists having fallen,
> and
> he remarks somewhere on his father having "had him
> built" a certain way (genetically, I assume),
> explaining his height and who knows what other
> abilities, including perhaps time travel? 
> --Nick Gevers.

Also, in no other novel that I can think of has Wolfe
written as overtly about Christianity and the Catholic
religion.  That alone, to me, makes it something more
than a minor work.


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