(urth) The Soundtrack

Tim Walters walters at doubtfulpalace.com
Mon Apr 23 19:37:08 PDT 2007

Sorry to be responding to this thread so late, but I just got back  
from a month's vacation.

I have a couple of Wolfe-related music items in my collection:

1. Turtle Island String Quartet, BY THE FIRESIDE, "Row, Brothers, Row":

"'Row, Brothers, Row' is an old river chant from a million years in  
the future, inspired by the work of author Gene Wolfe. It's a tribute  
to perseverance in the face of opposition, and unexpected friends."


This LP bears the following item on its sleeve:

    You know that another week'll
    Take us to the _fin de siecle_
    So why'd we let the movie houses
    Duck out of running Mickey Mouses?

    That flash up in the corner means
    Last reals flashing onto screens;
    The news is reeling--needs a crutch
    We say It Doesn't Matter Much,
    But wouldn't mind a Porky Pig
    Now that the fox has played her gig

    --Gene Wolfe (Oct. 1985)

I don't know what the story is behind this.

Also, I've written a couple of Wolfe-inspired tracks myself: "House  
Absolute" and "War Beneath The Tree."

Tim Walters | http://doubtfulpalace.com

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