(urth) Don't Sell 'Em Short

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Fri Apr 13 10:39:13 PDT 2007

> > (Best propaganda film I've seen in a long while is "Pan's Labyrinth".)
> Better than "Fahrenheit 9/11" and "An Inconvenient Truth"?

The best propaganda a) does not require that the audience know
anything about or *even have an interest in* the subject they are
being propagandized on, and (most important) b) cannot be factually

When I say it can't be factually rebutted I mean that it is not
possible because it doesn't operate on a linear "true-false" level. If
you agree with Moore or Gore, then their movies are useful red meat to
get you pumped up. If you don't you are only going to be offended
whenever you note a factual error or inconsistency.

But "Pan's Labyrinth", which never claims to represent real people, is
far more effective at convincing the emotions and attitudes of the
audience. All this is esoteric for Americans, but the Spanish are
currently in a true culture war about how to define the players during
that period.

I think "Pan's Labyrinth" is for Spain what "Birth of a Nation" was
for the U.S. in the early 1900s.

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