(urth) WK psychological cosmology

James Wynn thewynns at earthlink.net
Sat Nov 12 19:03:42 PST 2005

Chris said:
>I may be imagining things, but I got the impression that the bow string was
>not full of entire lives, but only certain pieces of the lives of various
>people. Heroic moments, to be particular. So I don't see any reason to
>think that Art Ormsby is any one of them, though you might say they're
>all Able.

Well, he get's the string and bow from Parka. Since Parka's name identifies
her indirectly with the Greek Fates and since that association (and the fact
that she also gives Able a stave) identifies her with the Norns, I'd say the
string *does* contain all those lives in their entirity.

The existance of that string, btw, -- containing the story of all those
different lives -- is the biggest argument IMO against the events of The
Wizard Knight being somehow internal to Arthur Ormsby (as I believe they


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