(urth) Who's in Oreb

James Wynn thewynns at earthlink.net
Fri Jun 24 15:11:04 PDT 2005

>Pas in Oreb? I don't think so. That was Scylla. (RTTW, 348)

Yes, but Orebs possession by Scylla did not occur until after Pas's
resurrection (RTTW 359-360). Echina, Hieros, Molpe, and Scylla
did not start possessing animals until they became really desperate
to escape Pas.  
[Incidentally, it is at the location I cited that the Rajan denies Pas
intended to rule Blue in person.]

I'm referring the time when Silk first bought Oreb. As you recall,
Oreb died just before Silk could sacrifice it, and then was
inexplicably resurrected. Since *someone* was possessing that
bird I'd say Pas and Kypris were the most likely candidates. But
Silk mentions that night choughs are signitory birds of Pas.  Well? 

Granted at first glance it would make more mythological sense to have
Pas hide in a black ram. Since that is where Zeus hid when Typhon
drove the gods off Olympus.  But Pas is also thematically assigned to
Apollo (as is Hieros at times) so a raven is not really off script either.

~ Crush

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