(urth) Sliding stones

Jim Raylor rjraylor at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Jan 16 13:21:26 PST 2005

I googled Saltimbanque
A street performer, a travelling entertainer, a
tumbler, maybe a trickster, an illusionist or
conjurer.. images remind us of harlequin,
punchinello... the joker in the pack, the fool, the
23rd trump...
Google gave me Picasso, Baudelaire and a few other
But the biggest surprise was at 26, Rue des Grottes
(Street of the Caves) Geneve.
Gene Ve
Gene 5e
Translating from french... Gene 5th.
Let's find La Rue D'asticot.
La Rue Delices? anyone... they taste better than they
Then I found the Saltimbanque magic theatre was
established in 1997...
but by then I was lost.

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