(urth) Sliding stones

James Wynn thewynns at earthlink.net
Mon Jan 17 07:01:40 PST 2005

> But the biggest surprise was at 26, Rue des Grottes
> (Street of the Caves) Geneve.
> Gene Ve
> Gene 5e
> Translating from french... Gene 5th.
> Coincidence?

I don't think so. Nice catch, Jim. I checked the archives and this has never
been posted before.

Has anyone been to Switzerland recently? If Cave Canem can be assumed to be
located at the site of the Saltimbanque theater in Geneva, then a large
historic library might be expected due west of it. Can anyone identify a
large monumental library there?

The mountains are north and east of Geneva, right? Checking out a map, the
historic city center seems to be east of Rue des Grottes. It seems to fit.

Regarding whether Mr. Million killed Maitre....I'm surprised at you Jim!
Having identified Cave Canem with the Saltimbanque PUPPET THEATRE, how could
you imagine that Mr. Million would need or want to actually kill him

~ Crush

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