(urth) Ormsby, Michael and Setr

James Wynn thewynns at earthlink.net
Sat Jan 15 11:19:15 PST 2005

>>I forogt to mention Setr also. Apparently "r" is an Old Norse masculine
>>ending. I vaguely recall somebody associating Setr with some figure from
>>Norse mythology

> Surely SETR = SURTUR the primeval fire giant???

Here's the thing about that. Wolfe likes to be precise about his spellings.
The name of the Whorl goddess is Sphigx, not Sphinx. Sphigx is the literal
transcription of the name from Greek. "Arnthor" is a Scandinavian version of
Arthur. Valfather is an actual title for Odin. This seems to be a pattern to
me. Wolfe *likes* using *actual* names that are close to the original. Look
at names like Garsecg and Garvaon...very precise.

There's a lot to recommend Surtur or Surt or Srtr as a reference to our boy
from Muspel, I admit. But there's also a lot that jars with Setr. Surtur
isn't JUST a "primeval" fire giant: he remakes the world after Ragnarok, and
that doesn't sound like Setr. But my main question is if Wolfe meant Surtur,
why didn't he just USE that name? And why Setr of all things? Even if Wolfe
had in mind Surtur in mind as well, is this the PRIMARY reason for his
choice of name?

~ Crush

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