(urth) Ending of The Knight

Thomas Bitterman tom at bitterman.net
Thu Jan 13 06:37:11 PST 2005

stilskin wrote:

>--- Gregg <gwbest328 at RCN.COM> wrote:
>>He didn't offer a definition of who "everyone else"
>>is to him. He didn't
>>seem particularly happy or unhappy that he is the
>>only one who thinks The
>>Wizard Knight is two books, either. It just seemed
>>obvious to him, but we
>>aren't getting it. A familiar situation for us, eh?
>I wouldn't be so quick to accept Wolfe's statements at
>face value here (or anywhere else, for that matter). 
I took this as a joke.  "Everyone else" thinks it's one book for 
literary reasons.
He thinks it's two books because, well, physically there are two books.


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