(urth) SciFi politics

James Wynn thewynns at earthlink.net
Tue Jan 11 13:24:42 PST 2005

>We must not be reading the same SF: Heinlein, Weber, Niven and/or
>Pournelle - well, I gave up on those two years ago... There is a long and
>rich tradition of conservatism in SF.

That's why I said "the plurality of Sci-Fi writers" -- not even a majority.
I have no way of ascertaining whether political liberals are in the
majority, but having gone to my share of gatherings of SF writers and
aspiring writers, I feel comfortable in saying that there were far more
liberals than conservatives there. Or perhaps the liberals and conservatives
only *thought* the liberals held an overwhelming majority there, and so were
more vocal.

However, it was, I didn't find Silk's opinions on gun-ownership any more or
less jarring than the omnipresent villainous corporate heads in SF
literature, or the benign and efficient socialist societies.

~ Crush

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