(urth) TWK: More Mag

Roy C. Lackey rclackey at stic.net
Tue Dec 20 22:22:29 PST 2005

Last Feb. 25, I made a speculative post about Mag, and Art's mysterious
connections to her. Here is a tidbit I overlooked, but which only serves to
muddy the waters further. It comes just after the death of Gilling, when
Able was treating Toug's injuries in Thiazi's quarters. Thiazi had just come
in, and Able was introducing the two slave women present, Etela and her
mother, to him. To the best of my knowledge and belief, this scene in
Thiazi's room was the first occasion in the 900 page story where Able met
either female. He says to Thiazi, "And this woman is her [Etela's] mother. I
think I know her name, but it would be better if she were to introduce
herself." The woman (Lynnet) ignored him. (W, 249)

Three pages later, Able asked Toug what her name was. Not even Toug knew it;
Etela had to supply the name. What's going on here? Why did Able/Art think
he knew the name of a woman he hadn't even met before? Able's first mention
of her was page 247.

"There was moonlight in the eyes of the strange woman Etela called Mama; I
wondered what those eyes would be like when the moon was full, and found
myself hoping I would never see them by moonlight."

Able and Lynnet then go on to enter the Room of Lost Love.


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