(urth) TWK: 7 world cosmology

James Wynn thewynns at earthlink.net
Tue Dec 13 04:21:23 PST 2005

>>Roy C. Lackey writes:
>> the difference? Why was the one rewarded and the other punished for
>>doing the same basic thing?

>hartshorn writes:
>Because the Angeloi had started higher...?
>Remember, this is a gnostic cosmos.  God just Is, in a primum-mobile
>and pays very little attention to anything but his own glory.  It's not a
>case of  rewarding or punishing, but of things necessarily resulting.

Able was in the same situation after he "fell" from Skai (I think there is a
deliberate parallel to Lucifer there) and used his Skai-powers in
Mythgarthr. He was either prohibited or unable to return to Skai. It is not
impossible that both are true: That he was unable because what he had done
was prohibited and it was prohibited because it would prevent a being from
returning to from where he powers came.


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