(urth) Death and Destruction

maru marudubshinki at gmail.com
Sun Apr 3 11:35:53 PDT 2005

Dan'l Danehy-Oakes wrote:

>I've been too busy (and still am) to comment on this 
>thread; but...
>It seems to me that a bit of light might be shed on the
>whole subject by attending to the Biblical concept, of
>_the remnant_. This is a recurring theme throughout:
>the idea that though Mankind or Israel sins, and God
>chastises, He always brings forth a remnant to carry
>on. This applies to the sons of Noah, to the Benjaminites,
>to the returnees from the Babylonian Exile, and in smaller
>ways to many other things. You find the theme all through
>the prophetic books of the Bible.
>I suspect strongly that Wolfe has this theme in mind,
>though perhaps not consciously.
I personally suspect, since the remnant is always
'more pure' than the previous population, this is merely
natural fall out of the 'us vs them' way of thinking, where
'us' is always smaller than 'them'. Fires up the ol' zealotry spirit
even in cases where thinking so is absurd. (Witness how Christians
in the US feel presecuted!)
That, and 'we were spared, so God must like us better!'.

But Wolfe is not alone- look at Jordan's WOT series, and tell me
if you can't see it there as well.


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