(urth) genderlessness

emily zilch emily0 at comcast.net
Tue Nov 30 21:04:00 PST 2004

{ 20041130 | Nathan Spears } "Also, I don't think people like 
genderlessness; The Left Hand of Darkness derives power from it 
precisely because the idea is so inhuman.  I think we assign genders to 
people in our imagination if only to comfort ourselves."

some of us on this list are intersexed. this is definitely true, which 
makes it a fertile but near-untouched topic. has anyone else read emma 
bull's absolutely amazing "bone dance"?

unfortunately, none of the URTH works with which i am familiar deals 
with the subject of gender/sex in any way that is not standard trope 
(i.e. dorcas).

You know what I blame this on the breakdown of? Society!
- Moe, The Simpsons

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