(urth) AEG: Some Theology

Nigel Price nigelaprice at talktalk.net
Tue Oct 28 16:53:55 PDT 2008

Patera Nutria observed:

>>Reis as Christ figure, then: misunderstood;
>>bent on saving the beautiful earth; dying to
>>bring about the destruction of Satan, the
>>being who captured earth "before the Flood."
>>(California Satanists gladly join Squiddie's
>>cult, it being the same thing.)

Yes, indeed. Reis even speaks like Jesus at times!

On page 275, we read:

>>He gulped, and though Cassie could not hear
>>the gulp, she saw his throat move before he
>>said, "I was about to tell you I didn't know
>>what you wanted from marriage. But I do. You
>>told me. You want love. You'll get it - shaken
>>down, pressed down, and overflowing. I would
>>die for you, Cassie. I really would."

Reis' comment that he would die for Cassie is obviously prophetic and
Christ-like, but in this speech Reis is also actually quoting Jesus's words
in Luke 6.38, which the NIV translates thus:

>>"Give, and it will be give to you. A good
>>measure, pressed down, shaken together
>>and running over, will be poured into your
>>lap. For with the measure you use, it will
>>be measured to you."


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