(urth) AEG spoilers - Gid as Timelord?

Adam Thornton adam at io.com
Tue Oct 28 08:18:39 PDT 2008

On Oct 28, 2008, at 10:07 AM, Dave Tallman wrote:

> His adoptive father is Robert Chase, who seems to have known  
> Lovecraft (p. 75). If Lovecraft used him as the basis for his  
> stories of Randolph Carter, we know that he is an "old  
> dreamer" (Dream Quest of the Unknown Kadath) who is well-aquainted  
> with the mysterious beings of Earth (who are aliens, at least in  
> this novel). Bob Chase was either an old wizard who had some means  
> of prolonging his life, or a time-traveler. He probably taught his  
> son a great deal.

Oh, there's a whole Lovecraftian thread on how Old Wizards Never  
Die...see "The Thing on the Doorstep," for example.

But it wouldn't be exactly a shock to find that Gideon was a Son Of  
Yog-Sothoth (or whatever they call him on Woldercan) either (cf. "The  
Dunwich Horror").

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