Wait wait ... <div><br></div><div>The twenty year difference between priest and Marcella and between Betty and Kevin Malone must resonate ... The guilt of Kevin is assumed by his namesake but Priest says it was never proven. Both Marcella and the narrator are jealous of Priest, the older man. </div>
<div><br></div><div>Could it be that Betty was the master's mistress and fell for Kevin Malone (since they were not related in fact). Yet the younger Kevin seems malevolent when he thinks of young women, and he is home in the stables where the older Kevin died, so that scenario doesn't quite pan out. It seems most likely that Kevin's spirit motivated the scenario to repeat, unless he feels that justice was not done the first time through the cycle and killed himself in grief. Was Betty ever pregnant? The news report indicates no relationship between Kevin and Betty Malone and no child... But Kevin Malone the younger exists and the new cycle has a couple jealous of an older servant ... </div>