<div dir="ltr">With what we know about the inhumi, Mucor, and astral projection from the BotSS, we can revisit the sequence leading to the appearance of Pike's ghost in LotLS.<br><br>There are several things to explain.<br>
<br>1) Why is the wrapping on Silk'a arm rather than his ankle?<br><br>He was so tired that he didn't want to have to keep recharging the wrapping through the night, so it made sense to take it off. He could have put it on his arm to pad the wounds there so he could sleep better, or because he knew it was valuable and wanted to guard against thieves. (But in the latter case it would make more sense to lock it up with the azoth, so I favor the first explanation).<br>
<br>2) Why did the wrapping get frosty?<br><br>The wrapping normally cooled as it lost energy, but to get frosty in a hot room required energy for refrigeration. It may be another medical function of the wrap -- if its built-in AI sensed it was wrapped around an infected site it might get cold to help kill the germs. The cold wrap caused his dream about Kypris grabbing his arm and giving him cold kisses, and it woke him up.<br>
<br>3) What did Silk see flapping away in the window?<br><br>Many have speculated that it was Quetzal he saw, but I find that unconvincing. From the later books we know the inhumi cannot change their size that much. A human-sized Quetzal in flying form could not be mistaken for Oreb, even by a groggy Silk.<br>
<br>If the sight of Oreb wasn't part of Silk's dream, then it really was Oreb he saw, whatever the bird said. Oreb couldn't fly yet, but that's not a problem. Mucor was there, and she is known to be able to make her possession victims levitate (Crassula's story in NtLS, chapter 11).<br>
<br>I believe that Mucor possessed Oreb and brought him into Silk's room through the window. She was probably trying to cause Silk some trouble after his "exorcism" drove her away from her fun at Orchid's. Oreb's repeated denial of "No steal!" suggests she was trying to get Oreb to steal something -- maybe the wrap. If she had something of value to Silk she might have been able to get leverage against his blackmail. Oreb's tugging at the wrap on Silk's arm might have contributed to his dream about trying to pull free from Kypris/Hyacinth.<br>
<br>Oreb was afraid to admit to Silk what had happened, but his answers were technically true. "No fly" -- he wasn't flying on his own. "No hop" -- he didn't hop down. "No steal" -- he didn't successfully steal Silk's wrap.<br>
<br>4) Why did Mucor reveal herself to Silk?<br><br>She had an attraction to him, as shown by her "We'll be lovers" when she possessed Mamelta. She could have just left when she let go of Oreb, but she chose to tempt him for a moment instead.<br>
<br>Another possibility is that she detected the presence of Quetzal in the vicinity (see the theory below). She might have been trying to wake Silk up enough so that he could defend himself. One flaw with this idea is that she apparently couldn't see Quetzal when she astral-projected. She called him "the man who isn't there."<br>
<br>5) What caused the creaking of the bed? Why did Patera Pike's ghost appear?<br><br>Wolfe said in an question-and-answer session (<a href="http://www.ansible.co.uk/cc/cc77.html">http://www.ansible.co.uk/cc/cc77.html</a>) that the apparition was not machine-made. That eliminates the Hierodule-created-aquastor theory and the Mainframe-generated-ghost theory, in spite of the shimmering disappearance. He also said it was not Quetzal. Inhumi don't seem to be able to impersonate other people (only make themselves look human) so I think any other inhumi is also out. Silk astral-projecting through time would also not look enough like Pike to be mistaken for him by Silk, who knew the man well. The most likely case is a real ghost.<br>
<br>There are two possible explanations for the ghost. The simplest is that the presence of Mucor stirred up Pike's ghost. He appeared in his bedroom first, then went to check to see if Silk was all right (moving through the closed door). He found his calotte there and put it on. With the solid cap on, he had to open the door to get out. When he saw that Silk was all right, he smiled, waved, and vanished. There is a real connection between the calotte and Mucor, since Silk wore it on the raid on Blood's house and therefore in the presence of Mucor.<br>
<br>The second explanation is more complicated but I like it better. I think Quetzal was there that night, wanting to attack Silk. Sphigxday night was the night after Teasel was bitten. Quetzal could have returned for more blood and found the names of Silk and Pike written outside the window. Quetzal said that he "went wide" when he saw Silk's name on the fifth floor of a building. Silk had to climb four flights of stairs to get to Teasel's room.<br>
<br>I don't believe the superstitious explanation that magic worked or that Quetzal was afraid of the sign of the cross. He couldn't be the Prolocutor if he was. The answer might be his fear of exposure as an inhumu. He knew that Pike was on his case, possibly correlating the descriptions given by his victims, and now he knew that Pike had told Silk about it.<br>
<br>Pike died a about month after he told Silk about the blood-sucking "demons" and that he was fighting them. (NtLS, chapter 9). This may not have been a coincidence. Quetzal or one of his inhumi "doctor" allies might have killed Pike by draining his blood over a period of time. Pike is shown sacrificing a rabbit to the Outsider in Silk's first enlightenment, once with a vivid image of blood. Quetzal's Genesis story likens humans to rabbits. (We know the sacrifice was to the Outsider because the rabbit was speckled -- animals that are not pure black or pure white can only be offered to all the gods or to a specific minor god: LotLS ch. 2. Also, the enlightenment contained information about the prayers that the Outsider was answering).<br>
<br>It's interesting that Pike's ghost would put on his old calotte. He only wore it on the coldest days (NtLS ch. 3), and this was a hot night. He died in the spring, so it couldn't be because of the memory of his last day alive. In the enlightenment vision of the rabbit his hands were said to be cold. (NtLS ch. 1). Loss of blood would make him feel cold, so that may be another clue about his death.<br>
<br>Dr. Crane implied that he tried to become a doctor for Quetzal and was snubbed. "Haven't you noticed that when he gets sick I'm not the one he sends for? Well, that's why. Now and then I make a mistake. The sort of doctors he had in never do. Just ask them." Quetzal would never dare let a real doctor examine him, so his "doctors" must be fellow inhumi. A job as a doctor to the Prolocutor would have been nice for a spy. So would working for someone in the Ayuntamiento, but they used chem substitute bodies. Crane had to settle for being Blood's doctor.<br>
<br>If Quetzal killed Pike, he knew where his bedroom was and he would have expected Silk to have moved into it. The creaking of the bed in Pike's old room might have been caused by Quetzal. Finding Silk absent, he might have sat on the bed to await his return, causing the creaking.<br>
<br>Pike's ghost must have a strong reason for appearing. Remora once said that holy augers rarely have ghosts (in RttW). Pike wasn't altogether holy (as the father of Blood with Rose), but one would think he would be heavenly-minded enough to avoid ghosthood. But if Pike was murdered by an inhumi, that would give him unfinished business. He might have appeared to drive off Quetzal and assure himself that Silk was safe.<br>