<div dir="ltr">Paul B wrote:<br><pre>I'm sorry, this is dead wrong. The actual phrase was "[the bells] toll<br>the deaths of continents". Baldanders knew perfectly well what would<br>happen, and he explains that "waves of gravity" are the cause.<br>
<br></pre>We had different interpretations of the same text, it seems. Baldanders also said "... a white fountain has been drawn across the void for millennia. It spins as it flies, and in its motion it emits waves of gravitation.... These waves are too slight to render us giddy. Yet Ocean feels them and breeds new tides and fresh currents. ... Bells feel them the same way. Like Ocean, their mass is delicately poised. ... The force that made your bells sound has warmed the cold heart of Urth once more. Now they toll the death of continents."<br>
<br>I read that the gravitational forces were weak, and so mistakenly concluded that the primary effects on Urth were caused by heating. I see now that Jeff Wilson is correct and that tidal forces caused by gravitation will cause dramatic changes in sea level and also distort the earth's crust, bringing volcanos and earthquakes.<br>
<br>I still don't understand the bit about the fountain spinning and why this would cause it to emit "waves of gravitation." Is the white fountain supposed to be something like a quasar?<br><br><pre>I've actually been advocating for putting them on an equal moral footing<br>
with humans, not demonizing them outright. That comes later! Killing the<br>vast majority of a planet's population of your moral equals reflects badly<br>on you. As I've insisted, a responsible moral framework (deontology)<br>
doesn't much care what the outcome of your actions is.<br><br></pre><div style="text-align: left;">Even deontologists don't apply that standard absolutely. I've read that Kant argued it is always wrong to lie, even to a murderer asking for the location of his victim, but most say that the consequences of telling the truth require a lie in this case. The alternative to the New Sun was the Ragnarok future, in which the whole solar system dies and a pitiful remnant of humanity is evacuated. Is that the lesser of two evils?<br>