(urth) George R. R. Martin on Gene Wolfe

Nicholas nickjost at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 28 16:49:39 PDT 2015

Hey Other Nick, long time reader not often writer (and a bit behind on email):

Stick it up your rear.  Puppies, aka me, do indeed read and enjoy Gene Wolfe.  In fact he _has_ come up in discussion.  Frequently.  And yes we “understand” him (what a completely asinine thing to say).  He even made it to the top of a recent fan vote on the Man Who Can Not Be Named’s site for best currently living SF writer (I believe he came third with top to Pournelle but my memory is foggy).

Can we do me a favor?  Since I _am_ a Puppy Partisan, can we not talk about this here?  I talk about it in plenty of other places.  And if he writes a work for SP4 I’ll be sure to agitate for him.

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