(urth) Pirate Freedom: Is Chris Blackbeard?

Robert Pirkola rpirkola at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 28 13:26:14 PDT 2015

I can say fairly certainly that Chris is not Blackbeard.  Textual evidence strongly suggests that 
*Pirate Freedom* takes place (in its bulk) in the late 1670's.  Edward Teach is generally thought to have been
born in 1680 or thereabouts so it seems impossible.  Having read a great deal on pirates lately, I have not
been able to pinpoint any that scream out as being "who Chris is".  My own thoughts are that he is
not meant to be a stand-in for any particular historical pirate.

On April 28, 2015 Robin B. Smith wrote:
since Pirate Freedom was brought up here, before I go off and start a new
email chain, I've been wondering: has it been discussed that Chris may be
Blackbeard? (I did some cursory searching previously, but found no
discussion of that point expressly)


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