(urth) You have the wrong creation you ninny - eschatology and genesis‏

Lee severiansola at hotmail.com
Wed Sep 10 12:35:20 PDT 2014

>Antonio Pedro Marques: the idea that the Church may fall is a heresy of 

>much greater magnitude than Lee's issues with the reality of pagan gods, 

>which is something that isn't really heretical.

I agree. Though not ever having been Christian myself, I can only guess

at what most Christians would consider more or less heretical.

>I also find the issue of 'next' and 'previous' uncomfortably inappropriate
>when discussing separate universes.

I tend to agree on a personal level about the "real" universe. But in regard to 

BotNS we have that pesky Wolfe referring in an interview to "past universes" and 

"past cycles" and "sequential universes", all making it seem as though he pictured 

them sequentially that way, at least for this story.

>- universes aren't 'temporally aligned', rather think of them as a bunch of
>balls inside a bag, with our own being in the centre and Yesod not being
>one of them.

I like this analogy for one part of the story. As Tzadkiel's Ship travels to

the end of Briah, it is implied that it has also reached the beginning of Briah.

This doesn't fit with the "string of sausages" model for the sequence of universes.

For me, the spiral model works best for Wolfe's universes. It allows sequentiality

but also allows the beginning and end of each coil to be in proximity to each other.

And of course the spiral is the shape preferred by the hierarchs. 		 	   		  

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