(urth) You have the wrong creation you ninny - eschatology and genesis

Marc Aramini marcaramini at gmail.com
Fri Sep 5 21:34:27 PDT 2014

I have always felt the statement Wolfe made in the Jordan interview about
urth being a previous cycle was simply to escape a Catch 22 concerning God
breaking the covenant of the flood which the Protestant ethos of
the interviewer fixed upon- a get out of jail free card.

Certainly in Eschatology and Genesis this is confirmed when the nephilim
Nod says that the son of Meschia "is come to dwell with me, in my land east
of this garden.  I will give him one of my daughters to wife".  Gabriel
replies, (after calling him a ninny) "you have the wrong creation, my
friend- you're fifty million years too late".
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