(urth) King

DAVID STOCKHOFF dstockhoff at verizon.net
Thu May 29 11:06:17 PDT 2014

Me too!

On Thursday, May 29, 2014 8:43 AM, Antonin Scriabin <kierkegaurdian at gmail.com> wrote:

>Glad he liked Little, Big. Makes me happy.
>On May 29, 2014 8:34 AM, "Piotr Szczęsny" <neternalz at gmail.com> wrote:
>I think he means Isaac Singer, author of "Shadows on the hudson" and "The Magician of Lublin". Also I checked - Singer was still alive in 1983.
>>2014-05-29 13:45 GMT+02:00 Daniel Otto Jack Petersen <danielottojackpetersen at gmail.com>:
>>I just saw him mention King for the first time the other day (at least I think he meantStephen King).  It's in Castle of Days, a very clever little self-interview piece called 'Lone Wolfe' (from 1983 it says).  Here's the relevant excerpt:
>>>Q: You have the reputation of being one of the nicest guys in the field.  We both know you're a hyena on its hind legs.  How have you fooled everyone?
>>>A: By keeping my mouth shut when I read garbage.
>>>Q: Have you found that difficult?
>>>A: No.  I'm constantly running into people who've read bad books clean to the end.  I admire them more than I can say, but I can't do that - when I get shit in my eyes I close them fast and cry.
>>>Q: You also throw the book at the wall and scare the dog.
>>>A: Yeah.  And then when somebody asks me how I liked the book, I say I haven't read it, because it's really not fair for me to judge without finishing the book.  Maybe the last nine-tenths is marvelous.  But I doubt it.
>>>Q: Leaving aside the people you've already named [earlier he'd said he'd read a lot of Lafferty, Le Guin, Knight, Wilhelm, and Budrys and also thoughtLittle, Big was 'an education in modern fantasy all by itself'], whodoesn't make you toss the book at the wall?
>>>A: Lord Dunsany, Chesterton--
>>>Q: I know, Dickens.  Let's keep the dead out of this.
>>>A: Ellison, Leiber, King, Singer, lots of good people.
>>>Then 'they' change the subject.  I assume he's talking about SK.  If so, that's a fairly ringing endorsement from Wolfe - SK's fiction is not garbage and thus doesn't merit being thrown against the wall!  
>>>Does anyone know who Singer could be?
>>>On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 11:26 AM, Piotr Szczęsny <neternalz at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>I only know one Stephen King in Wolfe works. In "From the desk of Gilmer C. Merton" where he is clearly mentioned  as horror story writer - Steven E. Presley. 
>>>>2014-05-29 12:02 GMT+02:00 António Pedro Marques <entonio at gmail.com>:
>>>>Gene Wolfe mentions King a number of times. Some of those are clearly Stephen King. SK is usually taken as an entertainer rather than a Writer (not by me, since my knowledge on the matter is nil). Has Wolfe's endorsement been analyzed? (F.i., people will discuss his appreciation of Lafferty.)
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