(urth) Short Sun notes: Remora

Marc Aramini marcaramini at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 27 14:29:12 PDT 2013

Being eaten isn't the end; it's very far from the end. ;) 

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 27, 2013, at 2:27 PM, Andrew Mason <andrew.mason53 at googlemail.com> wrote:

> OK, this one is very speculative, and may seem round the bend. In the trial scene in Dorp, Windcloud says  ‘I was one of those who boarded your whorl when it neared our sun. In the Whorl, I made the acquaintance of many of your race.’ This has given rise to speculation that some people we know from _Long Sun_ may be Neighbours.
> There doesn’t seem to be any suggestion that Neighbours can change shape, like inhumi, so if they are manifesting as humans it is probably by projecting their spirits into humans in a way akin to possession. We know that they were able to convey Horn’s spirit into a new body, so it is likely that they are able to do the same with their own spirits.
> This got me wondering about Remora. There are three interesting facts about him.
> a. He is well placed to observe Quetzal, and one of the reasons Neighbours are on the Whorl is to observe humanoid inhumi.
> b. Horn says, when talking to the Neighbours, that he suspects Remora knows more about them than he had previously realised.
> c. When Remora is first introduced he is referred to by a strange title – the Prochain Ami – which even becomes the title of a chapter. This is said to refer to his status in relation to the Prolocutor, but it is not used again. And why is anyone in Viron, whose heritage seems to be Latin American, using French? But one possible translation of ‘prochain’ is ‘neighbour’.
> So, might Remora be a Neighbour (without ceasing to be human)? One interesting consequence of this would be that we should see the Neighbours as confirming Quetzal’s decision that humans should go to Green (which means that there must be more to it than his just wanting humans to be eaten).
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