(urth) Crossing the Galaxy (SF Signal) covers Wolfe

Fred Kiesche godelescherbach at gmail.com
Wed Jun 12 08:10:54 PDT 2013


Some of you may have heard me on the SF Signal Podcast (no? oh well, fame
is fleeting). SF Signal also has another podcast: Crossing the Galaxy,
hosted by genre author Karen Lord and genre author, critic and Locus
magazine columnist Karen Burnham. In their latest episode, they cover the
first installment of the quad, Shadow of the Torturer.


F.P. Kiesche III  "Ah Mr. Gibbon, another damned, fat, square book. Always,
scribble, scribble, scribble, eh?" (The Duke of Gloucester, on being
presented with Volume 2 of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.)
Blogging at The Lensman's Children (
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