(urth) Memories stored in the brain

Ashley Crill ash_crill at hotmail.com
Sun Jul 14 16:30:48 PDT 2013

> >> From: Gerry Quinn <gerry at bindweed.com>

> I assume the connection would be that memories traditionally considered 
> to be stored on the brain were in this case stored elsewhere in the 
> body. That seems to be a key Wolfean conceit and one presumably 
> necessary for the alzabo effect, unless the animal always eats the brain 
> before it mimics its dead prey. However, there may be other ways to 
> explain this behavior in planaria.

I understood it to be the opposite.
The 'Wolfean' idea represented seems to be that memories can only be transmitted by eating a certain part of the brain. 
Reference Severian's gruesome accession to the Autarchy as an example. 		 	   		  
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